Welcome to NTU IC Design Lab.


◎ All accounts will be disabled by Sep. 04. Please re-apply for new semester. (08/29/2023)

◎ All workstations will be off on June 28 0 for maintenance. (06/27/2023)

◎ All workstations will be off on April 13 9:00 for maintenance. (04/12/2023)

◎ If you want to import FSDB format to nWave, please change the command “ncverilog” to “vcs” (03/23/2023)

source /usr/cad/synopsys/CIC/vcs.cshrc
source /usr/cad/synopsys/CIC/verdi.cshrc
vcs testfixture.v your_design.v -full64 -R -debug_access+all +v2k
nWave &

◎ All workstations will be off on March 22 24:00 – March 23 24:00 for maintenance. (03/21/2023)

◎ The power went off suddenly on June 15 22:20. It is back on. (06/16/2021)

◎ Please source the sample cshrc files. The command is “source /usr/cadence/cshrc” (05/09/2018)

◎ Now, the version of NCverilog has updated. If there has any problem to generate FSDB file, please replace the command as follows: ncverilog xxx.v xxx.v +access+rw. (04/29/2018)

◎ NCverilog can generate FSDB file by using the command “ncverilog +access+r.” If there has any question, please don’t hesitate to let TA know. (03/21/2018)

◎ We decided to limit access by IP to connect our servers. Just only allow the IP range of 140.112.x.x. (12/22/2015)

◎ The new workstations are installed, please refer to workstation list. (09/18/2016)

◎ New version Synopsys tools are installed. Please refer to tool_list. (12/20/2013)

◎ TA Office Hours: Tue. 10:30 am ~ 12:00 pm and Fri. 10:30 am ~ 12:00 pm. (07/18/2011)

◎ LAB 231 will no longer support ftp after July 31, 2006. Please use secure copy (SCP) afterward. Please refer to WinSCP. (09/22/2016)


1. 可連線主機一覽表

2. 帳號命名規則

3. 上線軟體資源一覽表

4. Q & A

5. Sample .cshrc files: /home/raid7_4/raid1_1/.cshrc

6. Cell library: /home/raid7_4/raid1_1/cic/

7. To change your password on these computer systems you can use the “yppasswd” command.

8. Please use SSH to login to workstations. Telnet is not supported. Our servers only allow specific IP addresses (140.112.x.x).

9. Please backup personal data by yourself.

10. NTU license server: lsntu 20.58, lsntu3 20.56

11. TA Office Hours: Tue. 10:30 am ~ 12:00 pm and Fri. 10:30 am ~ 12:00 pm.

12. IC 設計實驗室 Facebook


1. 伺服器帳號申請表 網路 紙本

2. 繪圖機使用申請表

3. 231門禁申請表 326門禁申請表